welcome to

lifetime piling up

the home page of Daniel Sproul at
the Swarthmore College
Department of Computer Science

email me
view my resume in html or pdf

link to my sccs page
link to graphicsDeploy!!!
link to my maya page

general computer science

CS21 - Unix & C, The Imperative Paradigm
(fall 1999, Jeff Knerr)

CS22 - Structure & Interp. of Computer Prog.
(fall 2001, Charles Kelemen)

CS35 - Algorithms & Object Oriented Prog.
(fall 2000, Lisa Meeden)
    Ghetto Browser 2000

CS45 - Operating Systems Concepts
(fall 2001, Tia Newhall)

CS46 - Theory of Computation
(spring 2003, Charles Kelemen)

computer and electrical engineering

ENGR15 - Digital System Design
(fall 2002, Bruce Maxwell)
    Lab 5: Face Tracking with a Particle Filter

ENGR25 - Computer Architecture
(spring 2001, Bruce Maxwell)
    Lab 2: Testing Computer Performance
    Lab 3: The PDN Computer
    Final Project: Oscilloscope

ENGR72 - Electronic Circuit Applications
(fall 2001, Erik Cheever)

robotics and artificial intelligence

CS63 - Artificial Intelligence
(fall 2002, Lisa Meeden)
    maze: DEPLOY!! (genetic search)
    BEHOLD!!! neural networks!

CS97 - Senior Conf. (Natural Lang. Processing)
(spring 2003, Richard Wicentowski)

CS376 - Androids, Design & Practice
(spring 2002, Douglas Blank at Bryn Mawr)
    Object Tracking with a Robotic Camera

Building Giant Killbots
(summer 2002, Lisa Meeden, et al)

graphics and animation

CS40 - Computer Graphics
(fall 2002, Bruce Maxwell)

CS140 - Advanced Computer Graphics
(spring 2003, Bruce Maxwell)
    graphicsDeploy!!! (CS40 and CS140)

CS91 - Animation & Scientific Visualization
(spring 2002, Jean Griffin)
    Maya projects for CS91